There are young kids right now that don't know that vaporware is supposed to be ironic and referential

>there are young kids right now that don't know that vaporware is supposed to be ironic and referential
>they never heard the original sample, to them vaporware was the real/original thing
>not only vaporware, synthwave, and entertainment in general for that matter
>the post-ironic-meta-reference is now the real thing because the original source is lost in time

Attached: 1652552529169.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

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Who the fuck still makes or listens to vaporwave they are like a decade late

congrats on reinventing Baudrillard I guess

not only vaporwave, people think blinding lights sound fresh when it's basically "take on me"

ironic or not, most of it, including those hacks of opn and ferraro, are shit

that's a vr headset, which iss cringe because real women are better than 3dpd. of course on the other hand 2d waifus trump all of them.

didn't you guys invent that genre to troll people
sounds like it's working

Baudrillard predicted this you know.


Attached: aeiou.jpg (960x947, 66.92K)

2d can live in a 3d world too, but since they obey the rules of perspective they're symbolically 3d too

Attached: 1629844147983.webm (1062x713, 2.27M)

>2d waifus trump all of them.
until you want to touch them

Neuralink will make you feel like they're real

keep dreaming
you're still untouched

creepy shit

Poststructruralist chads can’t stop winning

you're projecting, I'm just saying what's probably going to happen in the next years

Zoomers don't care about the artistic pretensions of millennials who rip off people more talented than themselves while simultaneously thinking they're better than them. They just think good music slowed down sounds cool

post an embedded link

>makes vaporwave
>on spotify
choose one

Fucking moron.

Lmao vaporwave has been dead for years it turned into oceangrunge

came here for this