Why do people consider this their worst album?

Why do people consider this their worst album?
I liked it a lot more than NLDW and BP

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Same (except for BP). It's a damn good album.

They were filtered by schizocore

every time this album is brought up I will always stand by it as my favorite DG album. it's just so damn exciting, I cannot really put it into words. but I instantly loved this album over anything else prior

Not enough angry man

The Bowers that P

I think just because ride isnt on it that much. Half of it is instrumentals

Because Ride is barely present on the album, and considering he's one of the more important elements to their style it's reasonably going to turn some people away.

It’s closer to a soundtrack than an album IMO, got more of a ‘here’s where we’re at right now’ sound to it. I find it interesting that the opener on here has the same core melody as on Come Up and Get Me

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the ideas here were better executed on lunar niggas. there are cool ways they use Ride as an instrument, but overall it feels understandably undercooked

fantano cucked this album so hard


>this is the worst dg album!!!!

They're all equally great.

bar fashion week
it's not that ride isnt there, i just don't think a majority of the instrumentals are even that strong, compared to instrumentals like, cut throat, this is violence now or have a sad cum

I like that, nicely said

because a lot of DG fans are tards who just wanna headbang and the album is too dancey for them

>Why do people consider this their worst album?
We don't care about any Death Grips album really


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It's good and has aged well (unlike BP fwiw)

I used to hate this album but after several listens it grew on me. Mainly same complaints as everyone else, not enough Stefan. I found myself realizing this album has the most catchy songs

>They were filtered by schizocore
Because E-girls can't stand it but they still wanna appeal to the autistic death grips fanbase. This is an actual Death grips album. Hella people got filtered by year of the snitch as well but that was more normie friendly. Nah, best Death grips album, birds and government plates. Come on nigga

It has like their most important/quintessential songs, and is one of their most cohesive ideas.
>You might think
>Anne Bonny
>fuck who’s watching
Also arguably the best production they’ve done