So we're all in agreement that side one is the best five-track string on this album, right?

so we're all in agreement that side one is the best five-track string on this album, right?

Attached: melloncollie.jpg (300x300, 182K)

Literally the worst alternative band of all time, and that's saying something.

Gish alone is better than your favorite artist discography

Gish alone was enough to solidify them as just the worst.

reddit is that way

>you dont like my favority whiny faggot band y-y-y-you're a ledditor!

stay in your cage ratrage

you seem really mad. are you mad at me for posting about a band i like on the music board?

Yes, I'm insulting you so I must be mad. Sorry did someone already point out which way reddit was? You should probably go.

>you dont like my favority whiny faggot band y-y-y-you're a ledditor!

I'd agree, primarily because of Jellybelly.

Objectively false unless you had a hateboner for Corgan's vocals, politics, or personality. Instrumentally and in terms of songwriting few bands from the era could come close to matching them.

Siamese dream mogs this but MCATIS and adore are both dope

i'm sorry i upset you i just wanted to talk about a band i like on the music board :(

i'd give it to tonight, tonight but jellybelly kills. i think in the arms of sleep is probably the weakest link but usually people call out take me down. i think iha's songs are pretty underrated though

just remembered jellybelly is track 6 and not 5 so i'm going to kill myself now

I think you misunderstood, your opinion is wrong and billy corgan is a bald talentless nigger. But by all means don't let me stop you from having the taste of a 12 year old from 1999

you still seem really mad are you having a bad day or something? we can go out for ice cream if you want buddy


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use your flannel to dry your tears

Overrated garbage. 1979 is the only good song. Also, double albums are a meme.

Here Is No Why, Muzzle, Porcelina of the Vast Oceans, Tonight Tonight, even the first instrumental track are all good, but since you picked 1979 of all songs I can't expect depth in your statement

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tales would sound better undistorted
there's a good song under all that shit but you can't hear it because billy thought
>lol let's just fucking ruin this

>consistently blow my voice out singing the NOOOOO BODIES part
>keep doing it because the song is too good