What software does Any Forums use to listen to music?

What software does Any Forums use to listen to music?

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where are her legs?



is it a jar?


Windows media player


faggot alert, faggot alert

i still collect tracks to put on my ipod. don't really have much option if i want to keep using my smart playlists

foobar lets you airdrop playlists on your phone

Same desu

spotify or apple music :3

are they smart playlists though that auto update per input criteria?

self-hosting Navidrome on an old PC
I downloaded most of my library in FLAC using Deemix before it got fucked
for new music I use Soulseek or in the worst case Youtube

why do you care

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Musicbee on computer
Blackplayer EX on phone

For some reason windows media player keeps crashing my pc to blue screen

Legs just get in the way, this is optimal fucking. Evolutionary fucking.

The stock player on windows

go back to Any Forums you dumb autists

Is he putting it in her but? Wtf why when there's a vagina literally right there.