/gg/ - guitar general

/gg/randpa /gg/uitar edition

Beginner information and FAQ:

Music Theory:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfjxtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n82zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

Free VST downloads (amps and effects simulators):

ASIO drivers (essential to use VSTs while playing):

my butt is martin'

Attached: 1652836008248.jpg (1125x1500, 933.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for ally

Attached: images (10).jpg (201x251, 10.54K)

PRS - the thinking man's guitar

Attached: prs.jpg (492x521, 24.84K)


this is an small arrangement of red house painters song i did today

Attached: IMG_20190624_143959.jpg (3120x4160, 2.95M)

why do they NEVER ask us bros?

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i guess the non gibson owners will soon get home from their jobs at the pizzerias shortly.

We would have told him he's retarded.

Idk if it's just that mentally ill favela dweller or if it's multiple people but you get called names whenever you ask for advice about anything

>includes HARDCASE

Attached: jvoxjttzyebk33lcbxmn.jpg (800x800, 132.34K)

>Luper Prade

$5k and he just throws it on the lawn in the backyard.

Attached: ludxjgamn9j8yjb6zcno.jpg (800x800, 361.21K)

this sounds good user

in his defense, it's only a $400 guitar

where'd you guys get those guitars... at the toilet store?

years ago vox released the infamous ac30vr, which was a hybrid version of the legendary ac30. after a short few years they discontinued it. the reason: it sounded too good and sales of their flagship ac30 had plummeted. all the tone and dynamics of the original ac30 but at half the weight and without the reliability issues of a full tube amp. it even sported a distortion channel that was capable of high gain marshall tones and beyond. yes, these ac30vr's achieved impressive and heavy and tight high gain tones despite the openback design. the most sinister twist in the story was that switching the single 12AX7 tube with a 12AU7 tube boosted the amp's volume far beyond what even a standard ac30 could put out.

Attached: AC30VR.jpg (500x333, 38.43K)

okay, sweetwater sales engineer, whatever you say

has anyone else had their arms fall off while playing

thanks user

Playing Nutshell - AiC on acoustic, The flourish on the first chord, where you take your index off the 2nd fret, it doesn't come through strong like it does on the record. Am I doing something wrong?

Our cum slut /gg/ mascot

no idea what song that is. sounds like you are doing a pull-off. you need to put sideways pressure on the string and pull off briskly so you flick the string as you pull off.

Not an Alice in Chains guy eh? I'm getting the pull off, it's just not emulating the sound correctly, I'd need to take a Webm for next /gg/ or something I guess.

meant for