How to deal with frontman jealousy?

I play the bass in a band and write 95% of the lyrics since our lead vocalist can't write for shit and is a lazy fuck.
Our band is starting to gain some traction, but the vocalist is the one who gets almost all of the attention in interviews/audience instagram stories/everything, and it's honestly making me feel jealous since I'm the one who writes all the material he sings and still he's the one the audience and journos seem to care about.
How do I handle theses feelings? It's making me feel like a tool, and I feel like I can't complain without being an asshole since he doesn't really try to hog the spotlight and while I write the lyrics my contribution to the actual music is small.
I just feel like a tool.

pic sort of related kek

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accept your position

if your personality is suited to being a frontman and if you crave constant validation and to be able to say "I WROTE THESE LYRICS THIS IS ME" then you're not in a great position. But if you can't sing then you're stuck as a bassist.

You're basically like Pete Wentz or Geezer Butler, especially if you don't write most of the music too then you're kind of being a little bitch. Maybe ask for a mic on stage too so you can do stage banter or something.

Especially if you can't sing you should be grateful you get to basically express whatever you want with someone else as the mouthpiece.

Lead singer needs to be sensitive to this lest he suffer from LSD (lead singer disease)

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The bassist from fallout boy is a centerfold so just do what he does

I'm not into them, please explain

>But if you can't sing then you're stuck as a bassist.
Yeah, let alone playing the bass at the same time

>Especially if you can't sing you should be grateful you get to basically express whatever you want with someone else as the mouthpiece.
That's what I've been trying to tell myself, but I still find it hard to shake these feelings.

Wentz the bassist writes all the lyrics and Stump (the singer) singes and writes all the music. Wentz was a way bigger cultural icon during the 00s, was seen as a sex icon among Emo teens and had a huge impact on the direction of the band.

The frontman will pretty much always get the attention. That's just how it is. Have to accept your lot instead of letting the jealousy ruin the band.

But how did that happen, tho?


>be more charismatic
>be less ugly
That's all

This is exactly what happened to the Smashing Pumpkins. If the other band members had just accepted it, they could have continued to make buckets of money. But no, they couldn't take it and fucked up the band, and now who gives a fuck about them? Who still gives a fuck about Billy Corgan? Lots of people, even though he hasn't done anything good. Just accept it, put aside the ego, and take the success.

stop being a diva

The hardcore fans of your band will know that you're the real genius. Accept the validation from those who get you.

who fucking cares honestly? you're entire situation is just a result of your ego, maybe let go of it and just keep going because it's what you love. there's also a reason why they are called the 'frontman' they are the face of the band for normies that don't know shit. as someone else said hardcore fans will know you are the genius.

also, if anything, just do interviews as a band, or do interviews with him since you are writing all the music anyway

Imagine being in a fucking band and getting to play in front of your fans then complaining. There's millions of people that would love to be in your position.

Nikki Sixx, dat you?

If you are gaining traction as a band and you enjoy it then don't worry about it. Make sure you are compensated accordingly when the time comes.

It's totally normal, and it's probably very common in bands. Maybe do a side project where you are the main guy. That might be enough.

but billy wrote and did everything in that band. its kind of the opposite lol

OP said he can't really sing and if his band is gaining traction he's probably already using all his good material for the band.

>How do I handle theses feelings?
by remembering that you're getting extra royalties for every song.


That's not the point. He got all the attention because he was the lead singer. That's how it always works with normies.