Does anyone masturbate to music? Not porn music videos, but just listening to music

Does anyone masturbate to music? Not porn music videos, but just listening to music.
A few years ago I started jerking to kpop music videos and I guess it conditioned me so just their voices, even even the beats, turned me on. These days I just put on headphones with female vocals, strong beats, and some nice rhythm and that’s all I need to get hard.
I can’t be the only one, right?

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beyond saving

you are indeed the only one

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Don’t be so judgy. What’s so wrong with it?

who do you jerk off to besides rice noises?

stop masturbating so much fool

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I have an almost pavlovian reflex to a specific super Mario 3D World song
You know the one

the only music I've masturbated to is Ayesha Erotica since it's essentially porn auido rap. It's a shame she stopped making music


I don’t, fugbug. Which one?

guilty as charged

which kind of music?

kpop as well

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The music, not a music video?

yes to both, some songs dont need a visual

Agreed. What songs did you fap to?

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This one