Why does he make Any Forums so mad? What did he even do wrong?

Why does he make Any Forums so mad? What did he even do wrong?

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by being right

He said right wingers make shit art

because he's fucking everywehere all the time. once you listen to some of his shit, you're yt algo is corrupted with is fucking melon head. he's not that bad, i even like that shirt desu. but he just has such a strangle hold on music criticism that it's kinda tiring (not that he should stop, he's an important figure in the music industry)
also, Any Forums is just where a lot of people go for their two minutes of hate, so there's that too

music reviewing is just kinda cringe in general man

just view him as an entertainer, a fuckin youtuber, which is what he is

it's just something of a hobby someone once realized they could make a living out of being pretentious. if you got paid to say stuff about art you wouldn't call it cringe

Music is the most subjective artistic medium
Why should I care about what some fat nerd critic says whos never made any music Ive ever enjoyed why should I care about that guy or his videos

He shouted out Any Forums in an early video so hes forever this board's daddy

>Why does he make Any Forums so mad?
he doesn't give every kgatlw album a 9+

He got bitchslapped by Fader into becoming a pathetic cuck. I only hate seeing his faggot face on here, otherwise I would forget he exists.

Seems to be a trend hopper in both critical position and politics, and because of that, he doesn't have anything interesting to say.

I hate all e-celebs because they get paid ludicrous amounts to do my hobbies and I still have to go and wageslave while they don't.

He gave MBDTF a 6.

No really. Ge has the most milquetoast taste and he thinks things like fucking song lyrics matter more than the music itself. He doesn't know shit about how to create music and couldn't tell you why an arrangement is good, but holy fuck could he talk your ear off about the political message of a song. Even if it doesn't have one.

remember when he was alt-right?

People here were obsessed with him and it pissed the other people here off. He became a meme and thus unpopular with the try hards here, and because he is left some feeder level chuds get triggered by, so now everyone hates him.

he promotes communism. bootlickers all get the rope.

he's an ex-friend who was always a little bit annoying, but he was our annoying retard. Then he 180'd, and became an insufferable retard who could no longer have fun, and fell for the NPC meme, and completely sold out. So it's just sad.
also hi anthony.

Tried watching one video and didn’t see the point. Why would I listen to what he thinks about an album instead of listening to the album. Just like all the other garbage ecelebs, a moist critical vid popped up on my yt feed and it was him watching another video but pausing a bunch. What’s the point. Had to find the actual video he was watching for some substance.

This. Fantano is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Behind every “music critic” is the crushed dream of being a great musician

I hate people who hate me, simple as

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