Predict the p4k score

predict the p4k score

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First Kendrick 10

nahhh i'm thinking BNM somewhere in the 8 range
they wouldn't give kendrick a mid to scalding review or they'd get destroyed for it

a pefect ten and when that score goes up every single whitey is getting cuffed in chains

low enough to be kinda contrarian, high enough that they won't get too much backlash for it

digits confirm

Their contrarian days are long gone

8.0 no BNM

last 2 digts is the score

Kendrick bros this can't be happening

8.3 BNM

this, 8.7 maybe

someone already said 7.8 so i'll say 7.7

It all depends on how they take the trans song. If they think it's empowering, then they will give it a 9.5. If they think it's transphobic they will give it a 9, because they are afraid of being called racist.

They gave it a 7.9. I intern there lol

i'm holding you accountable for this if it ends up real user

9.0 BNM

8.9 check em

0.0 monke piss 2
the numbers do not lie

this. always such a chaotic move.

p4k gave this song best new track though, so i'm not so sure about the probability of the album itself not making the bnm cut

4.8 (check my digits)

7.8 or 8.0


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