Korn thread

talk about korn in this thread

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It's not only healthy and tasty, but it can be used as fuel as well.

i think you mean *corn
anyways, I like it on the cob the most, but I am not adverse to having it out of the can. It goes well with most meals, especially dark meats

Zoomer band

Neat Twist song

I like it popped and covered in butter and/or cheese :)

They were better when they were on meth

holy shit


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It can also be used to make alcohol as well. It is truly one of the greatest vegetables of all time.

rum buddy boo
rum buddy boo

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I remember in the mid 00s in HS getting slightly mocked for liking Korn (by former fans / fellow mallgoth nu metal kids mind you), it was weird but I'd talk about Korn and they'd say "LOL who cares about new Korn album", it seemed their time was over around that time and they were "old hat"

That being said they proved they were one of the few nu-metal bands to survive the decline of the genre, as they should have being the band everyone else stole from

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fuck i love it here, on this planet with all these amazing foods, resources, and substances. i am so glad I have the chance to not only experience the sweet and crisp taste of corn, but also learn about it's use as a fuel.
thank you cornanon

getcha boogie on

it's a fruit though

Went to a Korn concert yesterday. I’m not a huge fan of Korn but the concert was great.

You're quite welcome. Corn stalks also serve to keep beans in the shade and as a pole for them to grow on. They aren't just alpha vegetables, they are essentially wingmen for other vegetables to thrive. No doubt Korn knew their corn facts and named their band in honor of the most chad vegetable known to man.

first two albums are GOAT nu metal especially life is peachy

why didn't they called it "life is korny"?

freak on a leash is one of the most dissonant songs to ever be a popular hit.

cut my korn into pieces
this is my last kernel
no breathing
korn got stuck in my throat while i was eating

Their first LP is completely unmatched compared to other numetal and their own music. Classic example of the fane ruining the music

say whatever you want about them but they created a style that was original (yes, a mix of other stuff like everything in existence) and imitated by hundreds

In the 00s Slipknot basically ate their lunch and became the new default edgy band for kids with mental problems