You either die raging against the machine or live long enough to see yourself become part of it

You either die raging against the machine or live long enough to see yourself become part of it.

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TTRPGs are so fucking gay

no that point was when he started hosting a siriusxm radio show called “one man revolution” where he just plays a slightly different version of the standard sirius xm lithium (90s grunge/alt/rock)

wtf happened to him? First the mandates now this? How many times did he get sodomized?

to be fair, I never really liked them. even in the 90s. if you wanted that sound without all the bullshit you listened to Snapcase

yeah TTWGs are where it's at

Unironically yes

you're either a massive normie (likely american with low iq and attention span) or a neet who's at risk of calling one of the other players a nigger because you rolled a nat 1

Nobody cares about RATM, user.


you know Dungeons & Dragons is American? and like all other /tg/ shit except Warhammer?

>hey fellow comrades! did you know that guitar teachers are WHACK and OPPRESSIVE and I NEVER listened to them?
>that’s why you should totally pay the extortionate amount for my guitar masterclasses so you can learn how to FIGHT THE POWER with your axe, just like me!

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RATM has always been the machine. If you ever thought a single aspect of RATM was grassroots you got played.

They were never really about it, much like rappers that claimed crimes they never did for industry status.

>Pop rock major label band for 15 year old boys

They were always part of the machinery.

uhh have you heard of germany?

I support the cause of RATM by downloading all their albums as a way of fighting capitalism

I always hated this mudblood fag. I hate RATM and I especially hate that horrible band that squandered Cornell. I hate his burp burp SQUEE playing and most of all I hate everyone who ever was a Morello fanboy.

They required vaccine cards for shows too. Phoney ass out if touch boomers

You mean a digitech wammy pedal

No true and open revolutionary ever got signed to a major record label. And thought I'm certain Zach is one of the most vomit-inducing shit stains on Earth, at least he isn't so vocal about it like this retard (who, for the record, once proudly flaunted a shirt with nothing but racial slurs on it)