I'm going to (hopefully) lose my virginity soon. What's some good music to listen to while having sex...

I'm going to (hopefully) lose my virginity soon. What's some good music to listen to while having sex? Preferably nothing too stereotypical like jazz, I want something more rough

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crazy frog


record her taking a shit, loop it

The goal of erotic music is to make her pussy even more wet, not dry her up until her pussy is like the Sahara desert
The vocals sound nice but everything else seems out of place
She's not into scat or brap, at least as far as I'm aware of

Only fags listen to music during sex, are you gay or something?

Obviously picrel

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Ambient techno

My ex thought Danzig was the sexiest music ever. Of course she was bat shit crazy.

The first time I made out with a girl (last week) it was to Uncle Acid.

given the picture he attached to his thread, yes, it is safe to assume he's extremely gay. Maybe hyperpop might be his speed.

something lofi, but don't get all autistic and weird about the music and ruin the mood

only shallow on repeat

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i had a qt black gf who would put on r&b when we had sex. i miss her

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man up faggot

Probably Arctic Monkeys or some other white girl shit

Corporate muzak

erm nah dont play music while fucking
if you have to, i guess some ambient would be acceptable