This is the worst band in the world. They're worse than Nickelback. At least Nickelback you could argue were...

This is the worst band in the world. They're worse than Nickelback. At least Nickelback you could argue were, if not necessarily forward thinking, appropriate for their era and made original, recognizable music. These slippery little twink faggots just play music that sounds like AI-generated Led Zeppelin songs, the only reason they aren't still playing backyard weddings and nursing homes in Bumfuck, Michigan is because boomers coom their jorts over them - "HEY LOOK these KIDS are playing ROCK AND ROLL instead of heckin POP and (c)RAP, THERE'S HOPE FOR AMERICA YET"

Attached: AKedOLQLGPFZpiu8ILhCn9Tnu2PF9Ml7woKMYV5z1ZUmcg=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg (900x900, 133.75K)

I have no clue who this is. Greta Van Fleet?

The great Christian town of Frankenmuth, MI, will not tolerate such slander.


Frankenmuth is a meme town, imagine telling people your from basically an open air tourist trap

Heat Above is a good song, by any metric.

there's better bands out there, yes. but you have to look.

>obetrol and cocktails
Let's consider what this lyric says about the band. Obetrol was a brand of over-the-counter amphetamines in the 50s and 60s. It's not something that you would even know about without researching 50s ephemera with the aim of LARPing as a rock star from a bygone era. This band is like a Disney biopic of the 60s. It's a caricature. It's utterly contrived. Instead of living the rock star life and writing about it in their songs, these kids are researching Wikipedia and guitar forums to see what brand of socks they need to shove in their pants to be more historically accurate. It's like some cowboy costume act from the Lawrence Welk show. It's a novelty act for old people to reminisce over, and their audience reflects this fact as you can see here.

Attached: 1574976220165.png (600x359, 21.41K)

lol that is embarrassing, there really is nothing qualitatively different about GVF vs Country Bear Jamboree


I don't even know who that is.

They look like FtM trannies.


I thought they were australian?
Or did I get them confused with gizard lizard?

Did they wax their chests or something? What sort of soiboy doesn’t have chest hair kek

Both them are whats wrong

i have never been more repulsed by a band's look than seeing this photo

going barefoot makes you look like a hobbit, and i guarantee that nobody in this photo is over 5'7"

even if you don't like king gizzard, comparing them to GVF is a low blow

No. They're Jews from Michigan.

person you're replying to and I fully agree
must be why I got them confused

>rip off led zeppelin
>don't even rape 12 year old girls

No, King Gizzard is nowhere near as bad as GVF

King Gizzard deserve more shit. It's a cliche to say Greta Van Fleet suck.

Another strike against them and more proof they're just faggy little larpers: real rock and rollers in the 60s-70s would take advantage of their fame and fortune to fuck underage groupies all the time, GVF probably just form a literal circlejerk and cumswap when they get back to their hotel room