ITT: bands where their most popular song is actually their best song

ITT: bands where their most popular song is actually their best song

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Foo Fighters with Everlong/The Pretender

Split Enz

Idk if that's true but it is one very rare occasion where a band's most popular song is also beloved by the hardcore fans without a hint of contrarianism.

The Smiths with How Soon Is Now?, but Morricucks have pushed This Charming Incel to the forefront over the recent years.

The Camera Eye is Rush's most popular song?

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sorry but its red barchetta

Colour morale has a superb Everlong cover, if you'd be interested in checking that out.

Guilty as charged.. Tom Sawyer is one of my top 5 all time songs, and I'd argue their "best" radio friendly song. They have a lot of other contenders for their overall greatest song over their career.

Here's my pick for thread title

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The Queen is Dead is their best song, and album.
fight me

But Liar isn't their most popular song

Fucking kill yourself.

Springsteen and Dancing in the Dark

you first

Bjork - army of me

Bruce Springsteen born to run
Bob Dylan like a rolling stone

I will fight you because there is a light that never goes out

Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
Slayer - Raining Blood
Journey - Don't Stop Believing
Toto - Africa
Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight
Rush - YYZ
Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight

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Floyd's Barber isn't their most known song tho

fuck right off with that bullshit, shill
album version with the drums or gtfo
foo can't even cover their own shit right any more