5 years

>5 years
It still hurts

Attached: 2009815758-lil-peep-promessa-do-rap-que-morreu-aos-21-anos-vitima-de-overdose-reproducao.jpg (750x547, 132.25K)

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Doesn’t need to,
Move on
Try new things

No way

Attached: 03e817eff2e93fe147aa456879dfd959.jpg (442x498, 22.75K)

yeah when he took that bbc up his probably
nothing was lost here. waste of thread.

I didn't listen to him for a year, but I almost cry every time I listen to any of his musics

time flies

True, thanks for reminding me of that lol

I do not like how time accelerates as you get older. As a kid everyone said they wish they were still a kid, but they never said why. Now I get it.

not a big loss for anyone

do zoomy zoom zooms really

I never liked emo rap. Am I wrong?

they actually unironically

i mean alot of the soundcloud era emo rap was bad but older emo rap was good

based and patrician pilled RIPeep

I'm 25, I'm not a zoomer

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

this sucks

you're one of the oldest, but sorry to say you are a zoomer. t. 24 year old zoomer.

bro ur not a zoomer either

i'm 26 and they are not like us

Would you really rather identify as a millennial? Most cancerous generation in recent history. Zoomers are angels in comparison.

Just go to a pharmacy and buy some vaseline beforehand, retard.

It's a shame he didn't realease anything good before getting to the dying part.

people who arent online all the time still call zoomers millennials anyways in the real world, so it doesnt really matter.

>Rich kid with family connections to the industry dies of fake Xanax while his friends film him and make jokes
if it wasn't this he was gonna end up dying of some GABA related shit from all the Xanax abuse.