Kiss me, beath the milky twilight

Kiss me, beath the milky twilight

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Beneath* woops haha

Fuck me, at the feed and seed store

bearded Marley

is that haley williams?

This song is fucking GREAT. FUCK YOU I don't even care what bullshit grindcore you listen to this song is great. It's one of those instantly recognizable classics. Get off your stuck up hipster retard goggles and dig this.

swing swing

The whole album is very good. I've been digging through their discog and the prior album is some top tier jangle pop

you wear those shoes, and I'll wear that dress

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I makes want to kill myself know that i'm never going to experience this feeling ever again and im only a stupid dreamer for thinking i coulfmd have something like this in this age of egoism

this is the band that covered "golden brown" and didn't even know it was about heroin

Too pure for their own good

I find their earnest optimism really refreshing. Obviously they could write a great pop tune as well

Most people don't. It's a completely manufactured emotion. This is just fantasy like watching horror movies or something. Even that hot normy couple doesn't do shit like this.

80's chad here, suck my cock

It really gives off that idyllic fantasy dream emotion doesn't it? kind of cool

BASED sixpencenonethericherposter

>strike up the band make the fireflies dance silver moon sparkling

you're the first user on this site that has ever even mentioned their self titled. I love this thing to bits.

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I luv this song so much. so catchy

I randomly got reminded of Kiss Me the other day and started just listening to all the stuff on their yt page. I really love that The Sundays style of pop-rock and haven't found much that scratches the same itch. The religious overtones jive with me too