The Biggest Redpill

Not to sound like a boomer but one thing seems to be true to me: Every music genre is objectively inferior to classical music. It's actually really sad to think how simple and terrible most music has become. I am not saying every classical piece written back in the day was flawless, but it at least required a certain background knowledge of music theory. Seriously, people who don't know nothing about music shouldn't be musicians at all, the standards are just too low now.
Even a genre like jazz, which people love to call "intellectual" has nothing when it's compared to classical music. A perfect jazz album is nothing compared to a perfect symphony.
It is even more evident when you listen to so much classical music -especially concertos and symphonies- and then try to listen to a different genre, the fall in general complexity and musicality is quite obvious.
People love to call every single musician, who in their respective genre created above-average music, "geniuses", it actually makes you think what should we call musicians like Mahler, who created nearly 10 symphonies -which are some of the greatest pieces of music ever written- and that's just one part of his total musical output.
There's only one TRUE music genre and that is classical, and although there were incredible -let's say- rock or jazz albums, like I said when compared to a top-tier symphony, they fall incredibly short.

Attached: beethoven18045josephm-hler_fix-eb8bb4b95b1599ab6a6bd40f725798db46126143-s1100-c50.jpg (1100x824, 99.45K)

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Why do you fucks always bring up symphonies and act like they're the pinnacle of music? Legitimately one of the most overrated forms of classical music. Over the top, bombastic, trying so hard to be grand and epic, ten thousand fucking instruments playing together in a sea of noise... Less is more. I'll take a chamber piece, a string quarter, a sonata, a concerto, etc. over a symphony any day. I'll take hundreds of jazz albums over a single symphony.
The pinnacle of classical is Bach anyways and his best music is solo stuff.

classical is just too "happy" for me. have you fags got any recommendations on any darker classical that wasnt funded by some royal ponce, the likes of Mozart and Beethoven is just corporate funded trash for its day.


i'll try him out, is it all instrumental ?

>is it all instrumental ?

double kek

i just like Franz Liszt

werent all the composers banned from using the Devils Chord so it all sounds like gay dance round the maypole?

only listening to classical is the musical equivalent of not eating your veggies well into adulthood


This is just self evident though. That's not to say people can enjoy or prefer other genres, but if they don't think classical is objectively superior then they're just not educated.


filtered & tourist

try not to get too mad OP but I do like me some Philip Glass, this vocal is outstanding

A lot of modern classical is darker sounding.
Olivier Messiaen - Quartet for the End of Time
Bartok - String Quartet 1
Shostakovich - String Quartet 8
Schoenberg - Verklarte Nacht
Stravinsky - Rite of Spring

don't knock on Beethoven though, some of his pieces like his late string quartets are pretty melancholic since he wrote them in the last years of his life
Beethoven - String Quartet 14

Wagner was the true "Musik Entartete" ironically enough.

thanks for the list, I'll investigate.

>another 16-year old pseudo-intellectual who pretends to like classical in order to seem intelligent posts drivel thread
Hell yeah brother. Goat Rodeo Sessions has been my favorite project as of late.

Those grandpa guitars are like totally lame and for dildos and not metal or brutal

Holy cope