Is instrumental music objectively better?

Pic related: Greatest album of all time

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It's no even Doncab best album you cunt

It’s a fairly even split between Don Cab II and this, imo. But no need to be so aggressive dude, it’s all love in the Don Can community

why do you care? are you going do reach the objetive by doing the "objectively best"?
what then?
get the fuck out of your mother's basement you incel

have sex

> get the fuck out of your mother's basement you incel
What’s with these disproportionately angry responses to innocuous posts? OP asked a question and it sent you into a fit of rage? People on the internet really need to stop getting so emotional over nothing.

Not that guy but 'objectively better' art doesnt exist.

lurk moar

it is tho

Nah american don and third album t ho

(not true by the way)

Toe is better

for me, it's american don

For respect checking in

yes it does

Point system plebs lol
Get a brain

I like that song with the electric saw

Instrumental music is like only eating the frosting off a cake

Tastes cool enough at first but is ultimately not satisfying and incomplete

Vocal/vocal melodies are an essential ingredient.

This is prob my favorite album of all time

Even if music can be objective or not, one idea isn't inherently better than the other one, let alone in an objective way, or at least not ideas as general as instrumental and not instrumental music

In my humble opinion, the vocals/lyrics are just another instrument, if done well they can complement the music, and if you are VERY good at it you can base your sound around it, of course without forgetting that you're doing music and not something poetry
Instrumental music is less popular because it feels more abstract but that doesn't make it any better or worse
fuck off this is an example of everything wrong about food analogies

instrumental music is only "objectively better" for artists who are actively creating, and it's only because of how picky people can be with vocal timbre and lyricism. and even then I'm not sure it's a matter of objectivity.
would joanna newsom's music be "better" if she didn't sing? it would likely appeal to a wider audience since no one's getting filtered by her voice anymore, just the composition, but you could also say that it would lose a lot of it's charm.
inversely, think of all the bedroom producers making quaint poppy stuff that, as far as production goes, can sound pretty great. but then they slather their mediocre (or just plain terrible) voices all over it. it's why these kinds of artists feel the need to coat it in effects, to mask the timbre. drop the voice out of the equation and that kind of stuff gets better. at least imo.
idk. I listen to primarily instrumental music, in both electronic and non-electronic forms, and it takes a particularly interesting voice to get me to care about lyrics. so I'm probably talking out of my ass.