be me

> be me
> listen to AFUT when it came out
> it's ok
> be me a month later
> listen to it again
> literally the best thing ever

How does it get better every time?

Attached: afutbetter2.jpg (458x328, 31.77K)

I thought it was great the first time I heard it and my opinion hasn’t changed. Though I will say they released a lot of singles in the run up to the release, so I’d already had time to sit and digest a big chunk of the album anyway.

It’s probably my AOTY so far, but if something does manage to beat it, I think Haldern will still be my SOTY. Holy shit that track is spectacular and exactly the sort of thing they should be doing more of

>listen to AFUT when it comes out
>"it's ok"
>listen to it again after a month of "wow this is AOTY"
>literally the best thing ever

>listen to the album for the first time
>absolute rock bottom shit tier
>listen to it again 0.0000001 seconds later
>indescribably beautiful, like staring directly into the eyes of God

> listen to it again after a month of "wow this is AOTY"
If you spend all your time on RYM, sure. If you were on Any Forums the month after release you’d have witnessed a torrent of seething retards who couldn’t articulate a critique any less shallow than “hurrr they’re art school posers”. The initial hype from critics and RYM was absolutely overblown, but because Any Forums needs to embody the spirit of Any Forums contrarianism, they just shat all over the record for the sake of it.

‘Gets better every time’ but listened twice in one month
Fucking zoomers Jesus Christ
Get a grip you little shrimp.

>why yes I formulate my opinions on an album before I’ve even listened to it, how did you know?

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why would a record so completley and ridiculously overhyped and overrated by criticts dishonestly pandering to these zoomers, who have repeatedly and loudly dismissed all the music thats influenced this record and done it way better as boomer shit but now think this is absoulutley incredible because its made by people their age not get completley shat over?
its totally average at best.
watch a live set, theyre obviously larping

All you did was talk about some strawman audience and said nothing about the music itself. Thanks for confirming your opinion is worthless

Enough time has passed.

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Based, middle-class art school zoomies made an objectively superior album than Canuck doomer gen-x anarchists. Who would’ve thought it

your the one with the worthless opinion shrimp. Actual music never gets disscussed on Any Forums, I havnt seen anyone explaining why the music is so good. thats the problem. Why is it so great? im all ears

>Actual music never gets disscussed on Any Forums
That’s because of people like you who think talking about the fandom equates to a valid criticism of the music. Spoiler: it isn’t, and you’re 100% the reason why discussion on this board is so fucking shit these days.

If you want my thoughts on why the record is good I made a post here:

>who have repeatedly and loudly dismissed all the music thats influenced this record
That’s very obviously not true. The music that influenced this record is mostly very acclaimed and beloved stuff.
>Arcade Fire - Funeral
>Slint - Spiderland
>Gybe - Lift Your Skinny Fists
>Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
>The later Talk Talk albums
These are all some of the most celebrated albums in online music culture. Nobody dismisses or ignores any of it. I’ve never even heard anyone claim that BCNR are all that terribly original. They made a good album that a lot of people enjoy.


How old are they? They look like millennials.

Early 20s I believe. That would make them part of the first wave of gen-z.

Ok, I don't know why they give me baby millennial vibes. Maybe it's bad I look the same age at 28.

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yeh yeh sure well done you. I mean, for a start that reads like a fucking horoscope.
the proplem is this, it is OVERRATED and alot of people dont understand why. the music itself is nothing to write home about, so its clearly about more than the music. (you) are the problem with this board. not me.
it sounds like they have quite a small collection of influences. The emotions they are trying to portray dont feel earned. the songwriting is pretty formulaic, starts twinkly, bulids to a climax, using guitar and horn. The production is sterile, very compressed. there is no mystrey, it is only dynamic on the surface, superficially complex. like it all you want, but its very very overrated

all of those albums are dismissed as shit by zoomers on this board, you just outed yourself. suddenly theyre acclaimed and beloved records. get to fuck you little shit

> for a start that reads like a fucking horoscope
Because I’m using actual theoretical terminology to talk about it? Illiterate mong

> it sounds like they have quite a small collection of influences
That’s funny, because I hear Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Springsteen, Godspeed, Talk Talk, Bowie, Steve Reich… need I go on?

> The emotions they are trying to portray dont feel earned
Which again, is a criticism that has nothing to do with the music and everything to do with your perception of them as people. More strawmanning.

> the songwriting is pretty formulaic, starts twinkly, bulids to a climax, using guitar and horn
Anyone can reductively frame a song in this way. Doesn’t make it true, it just makes it a shit description, not criticism.

> The production is sterile, very compressed
Only valid criticism you’ve made in this entire post, and it’s an issue with the production style rather than the music itself

> there is no mystrey, it is only dynamic on the surface
You don’t know what “dynamics” mean in relation to music.

>superficially complex
Meaningless oxymoron. Here’s another: There is an incredible amount of depth to your shallowness.

people are calling it a masterpiece, a fucking masterpiece. its ridiculous

You’re just making things up. Those albums have always been acclaimed. They’re still acclaimed. Let me know if you spot one of these imaginary zoomers who is pretending that Arcade Fire never existed.

I don’t consider it a masterpiece. But I’d like you to explain why it is preposterous that someone might think so.

They all are 22 and 23

I'm in my late 20s. I've been in Any Forums since 2013. IMO This is probably the best rock new Album since Blackstar.