What do you think about him?


I know he had some beef with Any Forums, but I still find his music outstanding.

If you dont know him, I really recommend checking "Veteran" and "LP!" out. Amazing records.

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Imagine being a black rapper with an exclusively white fanbase lmao

Pretty much every rapper has a fanbase that is 70%+ white. Whites are the ones buying tickets, music, merch, etc. Blacks just bump their favorite rapper off their PS4

bit of a boring bait thread innit

Rebound off LP! is really great. Veteran is also pretty great too.
This one photo of him and his fans always cracks me up.

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MC Ride looking kinda different here

Well, he know where the money is.

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rap is not music.

also im latinx btw

most rappers have largely white fanbases, but the only one thats 100% white fans is death grips

the white villagers surround the escaped slave. cornered and frightened, he uses the technology of the white man to plead for his life, but it is to no avail. they proceed to mock him relentlessly, and to document the humiliation for the world to feast on like ravenous vultures. a valuable lesson to be taught to the rest of the slaves. and then came the beatings.

Nice fanfiction dude. How did the trooning go?

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bit of a boring bait post innit

what was that other photo of him crowdsurfing in an audience of 90% white Brooklyn hipsters?

I wish he'd come up with something original that would actually make rap enjoyers mad. That's the worst part about the bait, it's old hat

I don't

how many times we gotta tell you this is shopped?? I’m no fan but pls bitch

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Funny how it's a woman who is the only one with enough integrity to put her self respect over a paycheck

This nigga's name is Barrington

most creative in rap atm