Mid 20s

>mid 20s
>never even wrote a song before
The dream is dead

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Other urls found in this thread:


>three chord verse
>two note melody
>upbeat two chord chorus
>no melody
Now get off your ass and start working because you only get older not younger

how u making money then

how's that working out for u

I deliver pizza
What the fuck else does a failure do?

u could learn a trade or go into construction and then put that money to work

I'm 19 and doing my best

19s young you got time to figure shit out, chin up hustla

>hurt yourself for nothing
Unless being a plumber will get me a house whats the point?

food truck man ive seen people change their lives with that shit

>be me in shitter band on tour
>our van breaks down in Tahoe
> we have no money cause our anti vax drummer got us canceled in San Francisco
>Sitting on the side of the road not having showed in days and cold cause the van leaked rain
>Its 9 am I decide fuck it I'm quitting the band and flying home with my gear
>Blacked out Cadillac pulls up next to us
>passenger window rolls down to reveal drunk boomer in golf gear
>gives us 500 dollars and whiskey
>Ill never forget what he told us "keep going boys this is the best times of your lives once you're 24 your just waiting to die
>as he says this the van somehow turns over

have fun waiting to die user

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Did you keep going thought?

the boomer actually inspired to keep going through the whole thing somehow peeps are way nicer to touring bands outside of California

like 2 of our shows got canceled due to rando sexual assault allegations for the bands we were playing with which was a bummer

LCD Soundsystem, System of a Down, and My Chemical Romance were all late 20s early 30s when they got huge
Why won't time stop

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I am also a loser (24), but I'm a trying to be better too.

Question what you're doing before you procrastinate instead of after. Sometimes one right decision will give you the self esteem you need to improve your day. One a day. Also lose all of this Any Forums self loathing. This is a terrible world, that demands terrible things from everyone, but you should try being more sensitive with yourself and others and better things will come.

I'm 27 and I cant play any instruments.

I wish you faggots would quit posting these threads and just go pick up a guitar. It's fun bro, a lot more fun than feeling sorry for yourself on Any Forums. Music gear in general is more financially accessible than ever before. Don't worry about spending thousands on an instrument, get a cheap Squier and start learning and start creating. Your chances of making it are so slim anyways that you shouldn't worry about writing a hit song, just start making songs and you will gradually get better. You could be competent by the time you're 30 if you just make yourself sit down and work on it every day. Drums are fun too but a little more expensive. I would recommend getting a cheap Squier like I mentioned and download Korg Gadget, insane bang for your buck.

I recently began applying a similar mindset and it's worked so much better than I ever thought. Making one good decision for myself early on in the day can have a cascading effect and when I'm on a roll I almost always find time to jam or write something


I've been playing guitar since I was 12

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>like 2 of our shows got canceled due to rando sexual assault allegations for the bands we were playing with which was a bummer
be honest user

>mid 19's
>Never played live with a band
>Not even a full album yet
It's already over. It never even began