I am forgotten

I am forgotten.....

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No shit, it's a long ass documentary.

>thought it was going to be a mccartney whitewash
>actually has the least flattering portrayal of mccartney since the 70s

Boring as fuck, too.. its only interesting to autists like Peter Jackson.

Wrong, it's a /comfy/ hangout show

John too, being around that manchild all the time must have been insufferable

Is is longer than Anthology?
That was about six hours, and was shown over a three night period.

Replacing Paul with Billy Preston would've been a disaster just because nothing would've gotten done

The uncut eight-part version is over 11 hours

>Paulfag and Yoko apologist propaganda
good fucking riddance

i'll give you yoko apologist but jackson was sure to include plenty of clips of paul being a micromanaging control-freak

Yoko did nothing wrong

i kinda like how yoko was literally just hanging around not doing anything most of the time like a normal person

Well, I guess I'm gonna have to order the DVD set, then.

People insist they had a "no girlfriends" policy in the studio, which they didn't nor did they seem to care as long as the guests didn't get in anyone's way. People were in and out of the studio all the time, including pretty much all their families not just John's.

that fucking atrocious snapchat filter they put over the footage is what killed it. there's not enough boomers who will actually sit through this so they shot themselves in the foot since the boomers don't have disney minus. also the bluray got delayed because of 'technical difficulties' like damn, disney is fumbling this entire project. should've given us the rooftop bluray first and called it a day.

ive only seen the you tube fragments
looks great

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reminder that dipshit George Harrison tripped over a mic stand in this documentary

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mofo looks like a gorilla tripping

do you want a sequel or something? i've got some bad news... THE BAND BROKE UP!!!!