Thoughts on Todd in the Shadows

Thoughts on Todd in the Shadows

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He's cool, I just don't like his politics.

homo probably


this, except when he talk politics

Listen to non-pop

I like him

i dont understand people who watch shit like this. like do you have no friends? you watch a random guy with no special knowledge talk about shitty music. like is it supposed to be funny? educational? relateable? i genuinely dont understand how something like that gets more than 20 views


sometimes he talks about stuff he clearly doesn't know much about
like his St. Anger video, criticizing the decision to have James Hetfield singing about feelings and personal stuff like it was unprecedented, when the dude's been doing that for the longest time
this, I don't follow him but it's nice to click on his videos once in a while
I find it more entertaining than reading a wiki article

he strikes me as genuinely stupid

hmmm smells like FAGGOT

His one hit wonderland and trainwreckords videos are pretty great
But for the love of god never watch his Pop Song Reviews if you want to have any semblance of respect for him

no better than fantano

His acronym is TITS lol


The only decent part of Channel Awesome

He didn't stike me as too insufferably woke from his video on Witness, which one is the worst?

He should make trainwrecords on more popular artist even if they aren't trainwrecords per se. Like the white album or Exile On Main Street. Stories about albums with complicated stories behind you know. How the fuvk cares abiut some literal who jamaican electro-pop rap artist from the eighties

Still waiting for Chinese Democracy episode

probably the one about the Staind guy's country song

he's really good and his history videos are especially good, i don't watch his more recent pop song reviews

it is educational, i don't know much about all these random one hit wonders or albums that were big commercial flops

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