How is she so powerful bros?

How is she so powerful bros?

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loyal fan base

Marketing and mass media.

white power
white privilege

Taylor Swift hasnt posted a picture or anything on instagram since november last year

>implying her name, photos and music aren't spammed everywhere

>How is she so powerful bros?
Jakarta, Indonesia, that's why.

Fucking white women all wanting to fit in with each other.

no more than dozens of other artists signed to major labels

impressive cause her most popular song right now is a 10min re recording version

>Indian bot farms on overdrive propping up their puppets

The music industry is in shambles lmao

Has she thanked Kanye yet? He made that bitch famous.

must have been the bbc

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Damn is she pregnant?

nice thighs

the internet has ironically pushed even more power and influence towards big established names

on what planet does that stick have nice thighs

yes, I have impregnated her

this one

Attached: taylegs.jpg (236x419, 17.48K)

they look...fine

Never got the appeal of her, usually love the Nordic blonde type but she has absolutely 0% sexual charisma.

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alright well i have to admit you have changed my opinion somewhat here

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