ITT: most prolific artists in history

ITT: most prolific artists in history

Attached: download (13).jpg (1547x1522, 402.66K)

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the circus music intelligence agency

>destroys the USSR with nothing but Coca Cola and Levi's jeans

>barely beats the USSR in every proxy war and infiltrates their government to collapse it

is that supposed to make them look bad

Music is a CIA psyop (thanks CIA)

favorite CIAcore? for me, it's sun city girls

Attached: a1901529448_10.jpg (1200x1200, 509.43K)

Man i wish i had the funds to put my talentless drug induced masturbation on an album and people would actually listen to it

Is this any good? I like improvisation but can't fucking stand spoken word

Its not spoken word and some of it is interesting i guess.

Is the Indian influence good or just a shitty larp like a lot of psych bands? I liked ISB because they mastered fusion

Its a shitty larp, used as a novel joke

Thanks user

Genesis P.Oridge, one of his bands got into the Guinness book of records for most albums released in an amount of time.

the USSR didnt collapse, communism ended and the organization changed its name, but the power structure is still there. the KGB still controls everything in russia and its ex-soviet neighbors.

yeah that's why eastern europe would literally rather die than be under russian rule again
cope more tankie


Billy Childish

need more essential CIA circus music
hardmode no Doors

Attached: download (4).jpg (600x600, 123.34K)

Hi cia it’s me again how’ve you been

that's nothing compared to pic related