I won't be buying anything today because I don't support nazis

I won't be buying anything today because I don't support nazis.

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>I won’t be buying anything today because I don’t support nazis.

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Collect your shekels

>Collect your shekels

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I will now buy double the amount I was going to :)

careful with that

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kek russia can’t even feed their soldiers what the fuck are they giving to ukraine

The Ukrainian Svodoba nazi party recorded less than 1.5% of the vote in the last general election. The Ukraine is not a nazi country. Russia has more neo-nazis.
Op is a fag or a shill (maybe both)

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Face it Ivan, your country got fucked by the west because of your daddy’s slav mysticism. This is all his fault and his fault alone.

It is now quadruple the amount I was going to buy

good goy

It is now octuple the amount

de-nazify the west

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Russia is using neo-nazi Wagner mercenaries to try and assassinate Ukrania's Jewish president in a bid to "denazify" the country.

You can't make this shit up. Kek

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>he's Jewish so he can't be a Nazi

cringe it's 2022

yeah I don't get this shit the leader of wagner group literally has the SS logo tattoo'd on his collarbone

they said it was going to ukraine, not russia. has fox news reallly convinced you that ukraine are the nazis?

But you support fascists

Is Jewish Nazism the most redpilled ideology?

Let's get this out of the way: Putin is a murderous criminal and there's no possible justification for the russian invasion.
Still: there are openly nazi paramilitary organizations in Ukraine. They may not fare that well in ballots, but they do have actual power, and "tolerant" Europe just denies or downplays who they're supporting with some incredible hypocrisy. Russian nationalism makes me sick, and ukrainian nationalism likewise. While you've got to admire the courage of ukrainians, I still feel sick at the idea people in power expect civilians up to 60 year old to hold back russian tanks with molotovs.
I wish both sides just deserted en masse. Let the generals and oligarchs do the killing and dying.