“I’ve asked my team to expedite the dissolution of my marriage to Kim so I can put my entire attention into our...

“I’ve asked my team to expedite the dissolution of my marriage to Kim so I can put my entire attention into our beautiful children," Kanye told Hollywood Unlocked on Tuesday

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divorces aren't christlike

It's hard on kids when they have a mentally ill parent.

He tried but she was done.

giving up on his marriage like he gave up on making good music lol

True imagine having Kim as a Mom yikes

Kek took the words out of my mouth

anyone still care about this embarrassing cunt?

Top rated on Spotify

His music got better after he turned Conservative Christian. Next.

>I’ve asked my team to expedite the dissolution of my marriage to Kim
how long has she been moved out and fucking another man for now lel

which one

t. high schooler mad he didn't get to experience peak kanye

The whole “Any Forums larping as Christian cuckservatives to distance themselves from Reddit atheists” shit got real old real fast.

>laughing at other's pain

I am older than you, kiddo
Its not a larp

> Its not a larp
Sure it isn’t. That’s why a website known for being the most hateful and edgy place on the internet just happened to have a change of heart and accept Christ as soon as Reddit adopted Dawkins as their lord and saviour. Complete coincidence.

*tips fedora*
>why yes I do pretend to know or care about Christianity

i accept you concession lil ye i'll take good care of kim

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>be a trillionaire with a huge dick
>woman still breaks up with you
Women are done, wthell..

Christ allows divorce in the case of adultery which is the case with Kim having sex with the ugly guy.

t. Reddit fag who needs validation from internet posts

The only difference here is you don’t get banned for being Christian or having Christian views. FAGGOT.

Gays go to hell by the way

i told them, that they should fire this pot head

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