How long until music runs out?

How long until music runs out?
Nobody is making any new notes or time signatures. How long until everything has been done?

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It's already happened, you're just hearing the aftershocks, user. Next stop, total silence....

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>Nobody is making any new notes
microtonal music tho
also maybe you should learn something about combinatorics

>what is slide guitar
>what is industrial
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>what is happyhardcore

it's been done, bro

if you're using slide guitar as an example of microtonal music, you clearly know nothing about it

I skipped faggot class.
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you not be terminally retarded?

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if you didnt realize it was a troll post at
you're a lost cause

dont worry about it dude, you'll be fine

there's no limit to the idiocy people post here, I'm not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt

It's been done, Go back to the classics burn the rest

Music only just started. Checked.

State of this fucking board when people can't tell who's trolling and who's just a fucking hipster doofus being dead serious.

it technically already has

I'm working on developing a 7/9 time signature. Should be out in a couple years.

I find it fascinating that humanity will probably end at the same time as art, science, and creativity in general. Only simpletons genuinely believe that we will be colonizing Mars and inventing singularities, in fact we're almost done. There's something beautiful about this kind of symmetry though, a species running it's potential to the full and jumping into oblivion

I think the existence of recording technology is responsible for this. That along with persistent defening and genre revivals means mainstream music will be very stagnant for these few decades

how long, 15 years ago long

You can’t “make” new notes, there will only ever be 12 if we’re talking chromatically. Microtones don’t count because that’s just subdividing those 12 notes into smaller intervals an infinite amount of times.

Imagine posturing that you know what you’re talking about when you think microtonal music is inventing “new” notes. Here’s a thought experiment: 372.5836195726151649482. Let’s say hypothetically no one has ever thought of that number before. Did I just “invent” it?

Theoryletkun please don't display your ignorance about microtonality