Bandcamp removed all the skinhead music

Thank god they left all the degenerate rap glorifying gangs, drugs, rape, and murder. Crisis averted, lads!

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let me play the world's tiniest violin for you, pussy

Thanks for letting us know you're a racist pos

Make sure you play it from the comfort and safety of behind a screen, faggot.

Lots of anti-racist skinhead music was removed, too, you stupid retard.

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t. seething troons

Its all on and bitchute

Cry more, Nazi

The sad part is that stupid people like you think skinhead = Nazi. KYS

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Ok, but are the women hating musicians still allowed?


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Nice get

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OK nazi retard

Yes, just check the rap tag. Tons of songs about killing and raping women.

OK retarded nigger faggot

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>getting so angry he makes threats on a chinese basket weaving board

lol that's racist. the first skinheads were blacks from Jamaica, you know.
>le nazis!
nazis skinheads are just one of the subsets of skinheads that came later.

>all these bugmen that are pro cencorship
You can be anti-racist without having all the "bad guys" disappear.

>Using jew websites
Imagine not just downloading music from russian torrent sites

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no one cares u dorks

Good. Fuck skinheads

You wanna fuck skinheads? Gay

You know it. Gonna fuck them into being sensible members of society.

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But I like music, not poetry.

and yet you people support nazis in the east when they are against Russians

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freedom is the biggest lie ever told.

>i am very smart