Why does he hate everyone so much

Why does he hate everyone so much

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he needs some milk

where's my fucking money

Because he's gay

He's just not very sociable, so what?

How would you feel if your people had been targeted and persecuted unfairly for thousands of years?


Nice shill

He had to lie about his background so he wouldn't be discriminated against. He's a hick from some backwater in Minnesota, but told everyone he was a minstrel in a circus traveling from New Mexico. It hurt his parents, poor Bobby.

if you were bob dylan and had to deal with bob dylan fans for nearly 60 years running (your entire adult life) you'd be a prick too. plus, nigga got massively blackpilled during/after his christian period. i don't think he has any hope in humanity left. someone somewhere must've written a paper or a book about this shift in dylan's worldview, i'd love to read more about it

He's been edgy ever since '63. His first blackpill was the one Chomsky told.


freewheelin/times era is kids' stuff compared to slow train, jokerman, foot of pride, oh mercy, dignity, TOOM, things have changed, etc

How about Pay in blood?

Because jews are raised to hate everyone.

yeah tempest is definitely in there as well

Because he's driven by one motivation above all: rape.

Pedophile poseur.

Oh yeah I'm sure he is really a common folk man who got his deals based on his ability to sing well. Hey those record companies didn't shabbot goyim any negros back then out of money either.

because he's a christian.

What he doesn’t want to sing a duet with fucking Adele and Ed Sherman. Who can blame him. He also banged prime lindsay Lohan so he’s stays winning