Holy shit this is actually pretty good. Easily a 9/10

Holy shit this is actually pretty good. Easily a 9/10.

Attached: HybridTheory.jpg (600x600, 190.88K)

Yeah, By Myself is a bit weaker than the rest

And the crazy thing is that Meteora is even better.

That rapping track with the flute is fucking awful

Don't skip reanimation either easily up there

Attached: Linkin_park_reanimation.jpg (316x316, 45.75K)

This, Faint and Numb are way better than Crawling and In the End. Also it has Session

Forfeit the game


It's a great creative track.

Flvte rap is kino we need more of it

It's amazing how this album is carried so strongly by the melodies. It's instrumentally basic and the rapping is basic, but it's got hooks for days

Chester is also an amazing signer, and the combination of genres is also pretty well done

Only listen to this album once every 1-2 years, Linkin Park fell off a cliff after Meteora.

A Thousand Suns is their best album though

You guys are all joking, right?

no faggot.

for me is by myself

You think you are hot shit dontcha, Jr.

There's Linkin Park and then Pornogrind.

Papercut is unironically one of the best openers ever. The album has some weak tracks but it's pretty good overall.

The synth on Papercuts is everything

>no one even recognizes this daily dose anymore

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great album, Papercut is my jam, it sold a bazillion copies too