Post an album and others say how boring those lyrics threads are

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This photo got me crying OP

Just imagine them having sex.

Good fuckin grief lennon has a long ass and she has no ass haha

its shooped

John Lennon's ass spans several vertebrates and Yoko's ass slipping off

Oh my god did they trade asses?

Getting some Hank Hill vibes

His ass is too large and hers small

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Yoko must have a tiny tight butthole under those miniscule meat flaps
Or do you think it's like just a big gaping horse pucker under there once you peel apart the one inch flesh drapes?

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With ass cheeks like that I bet lennon’s farts sound like a slow clap

someone needs to ask macca if john's butt crack really was that long

Jesus Christ ist this real?
Do all bongs have gigantic ass cracks?
Do all chinese have non?

obvious edit...still funny,

Can somebody photoshop Yoko having a Nicki Minaj tier ass?

Why does the thought of both of these scenarios make my pp bigger?

Serious question... do you think john and yoko dabbled in scat play? Their almost creepy affection for each other to me says, "yes"/

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Holy Based