ITT: Great albums that Any Forums hated for some reason

I’ll start with Fear Inoculum.

inb4 tool diaper
inb4 op can’t inb4

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Fear inoculum was great wtf

Cover reminds me of the cover of Currents. That's enough for me. 0/10

it's too long
there's maybe 40 minutes of good music

>deletes the interlude tracks that add nothing

Okay now it's great

I like 4 out of the 5 songs. The other tracks are just noise.

Suffers from merely being a very good album in a phenomenal catalog

Hasn’t been out long enough to differentiate long-term dislike from short-term knee-jerking, there are definitely records more hated on this board. Still AOTY though

I loved this album so much. Yeah it was a lot different from their other work, and Maynard didn’t really scream. But I enjoy the prog aspects they brought out in this.

>inb4 311…..Down

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>Maynard didn’t really scream
i was planning on giving it a listen but read this and now I won't

I can’t listen to tool anymore after hearing that crap justin pulled after 9/11..

I really don’t get why that’s such a deal breaker to people. He’s always been the least interesting musical part of the band. He’s a good frontman and a character but he’s not all of fucking tool. And it’s not he doesn’t go hard like in 7empest.

What did he say after 9/11?

nothing,it's a new meme they are forcing

Very King Crimson influenced. Not a whole lot of innovation from their previous work, but still a solid album. Gonna see them live in a month and I'm very excited.


Most of the Tool songs I really like have Maynard screaming or at least heavy belting/yelling. It's usually an essential part of the catharsis and emotion of the song, especially near the end. Third Eye is the Tool song that hits me hardest and it would be nothing with Fear Inoculum vocals. I am aware that he's older and probably can't pull those kind of vocals off anymore.


It was allright, my complaints:
>Lots of reused and boring riffs from Adam Jones.
>Less energy from Maynard
>Very compressed production ruining dynamics of the songs
>Long bridges in which nothing really happens

>Less energy from Maynard
maynard has been phoning it in ever since lateralus