I'm in my 30s and started playing guitar 8 months ago. I can do sweeps, hybrid picking...

I'm in my 30s and started playing guitar 8 months ago. I can do sweeps, hybrid picking, and tremolo picking pretty well already. If I can do it, anyone can.

Attached: .2022-02-16-flockmod.com-censored.png (735x1159, 162.68K)

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Proof for those that don't believe it's possible: vocaroo.com/1l9fqfiJdsSV

Of course. It's just a myth that older people can't learn new skills. If anything, it's actually easier (up until like 50+) because you're no longer a teenager with terrible concentration and patience.

Yep, most people still think that you can't progress once you're over 25, and that's false. I made a similar thread to this a few days ago without the vocaroo link and the entire thread was people telling me it's not possible. I hope this thread inspires others to work at it themselves.

That’s admirable, user. However, the techniques you listed are usually things that one learns a good ways into their guitar journey. How’s your rhythm/timing? Chord knowledge?

the idea that you can't learn guitar past 30 seems like such a Any Forums-brained idea

people start new hobbies all the time

It's not that great but my guitar teacher is helping me a lot with that. I knew none of it beforehand, couldn't play a single chord on the guitar, now I know all the major/minor ones and I'm getting into diminished, augmented, dominant, etc. I know all the notes on the fretboard for G major / E minor, have done improv in B minor & G# major, and my bassist friend who is better at music than me has been helping me philosophically at playing what sounds good rather than just sticking to a key.

There's a lot ahead for me to learn still before I can do the kind of improv I imagine in my head but I'm working on it!

fact. it's kind of cathartic to prove idiots who project their self-imposed limitations on you wrong

hello from /i/

You can learn but you'll always be worse than people who started early, and who wants to be a mediocre loser?

why are you learning to play in the first place? wanting to be the greatest guitar player ever seems like an interesting goal- so is wanting to jam with friends, learn songs you enjoy for personal pleasure, write your own music, or just fuck around and pass the time not staring at the computer

again, very autistic to say "if someone is better at it than me i wont do it"

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OP here. That's not true. And also misses the point of learning the instrument in the first place. It's not a competition to be the #1 shredder in the world. The purpose is to gain fluency in the instrument so you can play shows / write music that matches what you hear in your head. You should stop comparing yourself to other players and focus on working towards your goals so you can accomplish what you're going for with the instrument.

yo, hi to you fren. i will post in that thread later on, finishing up my full time work + still configuring my drawing tablet to work with the /i/ drawing tool. until then, here's another anime girl drawing i did with a fucked up guitar drawing included! enjoy

Attached: 20210526_033203.jpg (1352x2008, 598.73K)

more to that the idea that everyone is picking up a guitar to shred and play amazingly complex lines is some hilariously retrograde idea

yeah dude Van Halen rules, I'm gonna go learn Eruption!

this looks great user


I mean, it's not bad but it's not great either. Kudos for following your heart though

Thanks, I know what my issues were there (slightly off time, noisy tones happening after some pulloffs) but I'll get there, probably in a few weeks. If you have any other feedback I'd like to know, I'm good at implementing improvements

you learned sweep picking before you learned chords?

I've been playing guitar for like 15 years and I don't even know what sweep picking is

I've been learning them simultaneously with technique practices. All those sweeps are in the key of E minor (A minor, C, D, B minor, A minor, C, D, E minor). My teacher started me off with the cowboy chords and now I've learned the modes / we're moving into key changes + more chords next.