Are there any artists with low iq who made/make good music?

Are there any artists with low iq who made/make good music?

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NSBM, Morrisey, and most rappers

I dont think MF DOOM or Aesop rock has low IQ bud


>double-digit IQ retard
>god of the bass
he's a living example of the duality of man

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deedee ramone

they said most not all
based low iq user

Slim Jesus

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All rappers except Eminem.
All non-blued eyed soul singers

a lot of famous musicians that have worked with kanye don't respect his skill and ability

dont ever talk about aesop rock when we talk about good music, dude is straight garbage.

lol ok stay mad he's better than all your "nigga cook crack by the brick brr brr" rappers who rap over the same boring ass boom bap lo-fi shit beats.

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elaborate, you giga-faggot

Scary psychological literal mumblefag makes hoes wet tho

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when was the last time your cripplin shit rapper had a good song? wasn't it around 2007? id rather go back listening to eminems relapse

Pretty much any blues artist from the early 1900s, take your pick.

Unironically though Kanye is a genius and a polymath but he's also totally off his rocker

he's a musical genius, extremely talented on that front

as far as conventional IQ goes he'd probably not score too hot

leave kanye out of this

I don't know if McCartney is low IQ or not, but watching interviews you realize the guy is pretty stupid in a NPC way.

I just realised the shitty zoomer edit put on that clip please don't click for your own sake sorry anons.