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anthony fantano the internet's douchiest financial expert

This ain't it chief

bros i'm starting to think NFT haters are more insufferable than NFT buyers

don't care about fantano or nfts enough to read the article or watch the article, but it sounds like this is a measured take and not just blindly hating nfts because it's popular


>Opinion piece
>Modern """journalism"""
The hater will always be worse than the promoter, based on outlook alone. Taking a stand against something rather than for it will always look like sour grapes, and more importantly, implies there IS nothing to stand for. Just mindless and unguided destruction for its own sake. This coming from someone who does not care at all about NFTs themselves.

Attached: Takin Out the Trash.png (501x550, 276.63K)

He's becoming the poster child for millennials turned boomer. We should just replace Reddit with Anthony Fantano.

>a measured take and not just blindly hating nfts because it's popular

The two are not mutually exclusive. Anthony would not give a single shit about NFTs if he wasn't a twitter addict.

Seriously, when do you guys think the CIA first got to him? 2017ish?

>implying that the average young person doesn't find NFTs stupid

Fagtano with another brave and stunning opinion

Yes, we are all aware that community organizers from Reddit are deeply in tune with the youth and their economic preferences, and that's why we have to hear constant polemics about it from a bunch of 40-year-olds in the media.

have no intention of listening to his nft hot take but judging by this video he seems to have no clue about crypto in general. he talked as if these people scammed money from people when they didn't, they hacked an exchange, and if he doesn't get the difference he's el stupido retardo grande

Hating on NFTs is righteous and based

>implying paintings aren't bigger scams than NFTs
no you said nothing about paintings, I know.

Didn't that retard cancel his spotify because of Joe Rogan?

Imagine unironically caring what this dummy thinks

We don’t give a shit about you, stop shilling yourself here

Fatano posting should be a banneable offense

Didn't wathc didn't read.

However why are so many musicians doing this? Mike Shinoda, Wes Borland and that guy from SOAD to name a few. It's sickening, are they really that dumb? I can't see them trying to scam people so it has to be just simple stupidity.

Yeah he obviously joined the tribe of dipshit millennials who think they're smart for just repeating shit they saw on Reddit, i.e. the intelligentsia. The traditional "media" has fully invaded the internet, and they recruited him to be our MTV VJ.

stay on twitter

There's a collectibles bubble and they're celebrities, so not too hard to understand. Unless you're telling me Mike Shinoda and Wes Borland are starting a DAO or promising a 3D game or something cause yeah that'd be pretty weird.

musicians should also stop wearing expensive clothing brands and jewelry and lure their fans into spending more than necessary.
expensive shit is NOT. COOL. OK?? THINK OF THE FANS

I don't care about NFTs, but the reason I hate NFT faggots more is because I've had arguments with them about the economy and they seem to think the economy is epicly okay and will get better after covid and shit. it pissed me off. buy the NFTs all you want, but what the fuck?

I can understand irritation about certainty falling in either direction, but do you think it's unlikely that technology will continue to develop in highly novel and disruptive ways?