Proto-boomers have the beatles and the rolling stones

>proto-boomers have the beatles and the rolling stones
>boomers have led zeppelin and queen
>gen x-oomers have nirvana and radiohead
>zoomers have bcnr
>millenials have ???
Why were millenials incapable of producing good rock acts?

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linking park dumbass

literally none of these are good except for the beatles

Nu metal, Pop Punk, Emo and 00's Indie.

Uhmmm, never heard of Coldplay?
Think twice before you talk shit agains millenial rock.

Embarrasing. The Strokes are the only good thing to come out of the 2000's rock scene

>proto boomers
Just call them silent generation you fucking turdburglar.

>the strokes

Arcade Fire? Phoenix? MCR? Muse?

Because rap is the popular genre now. So they have Kanye West. Gen Z has Drake.

Who the fuck is bcnr?

Back Ceat Nigger Rest

Why are you even here?

>Whythe generation that killed rock didn't made rock?
Makes you think

that's like asking why boomers are incapable of producing good ragtime acts

I'm a zoomer and I don't know them.
Admittedly I mostly listen to electronic music

Why do anime posters end up being trannies irl?

Because they wish to be the little girl.

the strokes

Drake's like, 35? He's not Gen Z by any stretch.

>born 1996
I don't know if I'm a millennial or zoomer

ur a faget

>millenials have
Queens of the Stone Age