Jazz is trash

Jazz is trash.
Rock is trash.
Techno is trash.
House is trash.
Pop is trash.
Hip hop is trash.
Singer/songwriter is trash.

All of these are shallow garbage that capitalism has tricked you into liking by alienating you from REAL culture.
If you don't listen to high quality classical and traditional music exclusively, YOU'RE trash.

Attached: adorno.jpg (542x441, 50.64K)

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Jews are trash

>Born on September 11, 1903 as Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund, Adorno lived in Frankfurt am Main for the first three decades of his life and the last two (Müller-Doohm 2005, Claussen 2008). He was the only son of a wealthy German wine merchant of assimilated Jewish background

This album hits different

Attached: carole_king_tapestry.jpg (2500x2504, 1.15M)

Neck yourself faggot

Jew, marxist and based. One of a kind.

based he never said dancehall

Attached: nightclubs-2020-04-03-nk-cl01.jpg (1200x1800, 188.91K)

Based Adorno

Attached: nektukckxzn51.png (800x1024, 800.71K)


Attached: Happy Merchant - Italian.png (174x191, 8.19K)

You're a pretentious faggot

>alienating you from REAL culture
classical was never people's culture, it was only for sophisticated elitefags who you pretend to be right now

Couldn't hear, what did you say virgin?

Attached: ungabungachad.jpg (612x407, 41.69K)

>he calls art music "classical"
the state of millenials

feels nice to be casual pleb

I have this theory that people who are elitists about only listening to classical music are too autistic to understand songs with lyrics in them.

Sorry the rest of your planet only touches your favourite genre when they're studying

This is why I assume classical appreciation, here at least, is almost always some kind of larp. It's more a form of social/virtue signaling, to other "supreme gentlemen," white nationalists etc., that you're on the same team. If this guy wasn't a jew he'd have twice the support here.

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go back to whatever palecon hole you came from faggot

Classical music is so evidently superior to all other kinds of music, yet we keep lowering the standards when we talk about other types of music, to avoid the uncomfortable situation where the butt rock dude or the druggy EDM boy gets anal pained when they are told the great masters are better than their shitty hedonistic hero.

Instead of white guilt, in the music world there is "classical" guilt. We keep lowering the standards for other kinds of music to compensate and preserve our dream of marxist culturalism. Of perfect musical relativism. Guess what? It isn't true and the compositional talent and imagination displayed, which is all that counts in the end when we have to say what is worth being saved and what not, is infinitely superior in classical music than in any other form of music.

If your shitty pop muzak is an 8 what the fuck are Beethoven's late string quartets? a 400? most music is barely a 1 to 3, the Beatles fall in here and so do most other popular music with very few exceptions that reach a 4, even a 5. Bartok string quartets would be a 6, 2 degrees of magnitude higher you have works by Brahms and other great masters. Then 9 and 10 are reserved for the highest achievements of human race like Beethoven's late string quartets or his Missa Solemnis or Mass in B minor by Bach or his Brandenburg Concertos.

Nobody cares about any of that shit faggot, only what sounds good to them. And it's been shown our musical taste is almost entirely shaped by your childhood environment. You're larping.
This is why your genre is dying and irrelevant to 99% of the planet, refusal to adapt or to be relatable to humans in the 21st century. You want it to be "saved," yet you also want it to be an indicator of the status of a minority (white people), most of whom don't even like it themselves.
You literally cannot have your cake and eat it too.

To keep elaborating on the differences that make serious music simply better and of a higher intellectual stature, consider the mediums in which serious music is disseminated. Staff paper, notations. Purposely so, it validates and reassures a lot of what patrician music stands for. Accesibility for anyone to perform and record. Benefits deep intellectual analysis of every bar of music, no bullshit allowed, all is there in the staff paper. The emphasis is on the actual music, not in how it's recorded or performed.

In short, again serious music displays a level of maturity and intellectualism that popular muzak can only dream of achieving..

Not really. Your theory is shit by the way.

You're replying to a pasta.

Serious music is the most nuanced, eclectic, perfect music. All the """advancements""" you see in your popular muzak? yes, done to death with much more finesse and depth in the serious music sphere decades or centuries ago. It just can't compete. The display of knowledge is astoundingly bigger in serious music than in another other music. It's music for the patrician, for the cultured mind. The fact that some plebeians try to "appreciate" it on a gut level is why they are plebeians. They are missing the true beauty and subtlety. Like reading a perfect theorem. The inner workings that make their music so much more advanced and worth of respect than anything penned by a popular musikian.

Patrician music is music of considerable intellectual finesse and technical considerations. The fact that intellectuals gravitate towards it is explained because it's more intellectually stimulating, more patrician. it's not a coincidence AT ALL.

Patrician music: Serious music. Intended to be listened to carefully, thoroughly dissected, must be absorbed with all of one's intelligence and knowledge, incredibly technical and nuanced implications at play.

Plebeian music: Popular music. Low-brow, vulgar, unrefined, escapist, meant to be interpreted and read with the body and not with the mind, as intellectual as a pulp magazine, effectively ambient music.


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vidyo gaem muzak is better