Anyone else notice that all of the shills went quiet just like 2 weeks after her album?

Anyone else notice that all of the shills went quiet just like 2 weeks after her album?
This basically confirms that the people posting about it were big label employees engineering a PR stunt.
It wasn't even good either.

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Well the fake hype dies down pretty quickly once people saw how saggy and misshapen her tits are.


Her album was pretty bad even for a modern pop album.

Between the mediocre vocals and painfully overused, obnoxious paramore-esque riffs, it's hardly a 3

This board is not as important or influential as you think it is user. No multimillion dollar label is going to both putting time and money into promoting here when they have an infinite amount of better resources

the music industry is in a bad place now, I wouldn't be surprised

Meds. NOW.

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Dude, p4k had a symbiotic relationship with Any Forums at one point. Both are directly responsible for the creation of stupid microgenres like Witch House and Vapor Wave. The couple of albums from which a genre supposedly originated would have been forgotten if a bunch of kids on the internet hadn't been eager to create their own form of meme culture. Since Any Forums hit the mainstream around 2007-2009, it's just been full of tryhards forcing memes into existence. Y'all remember "seapunk"? and how desperate those kids who got interviewed by Vice were to make it seem relevant? The last ten or so years of culture can be boiled down to "forced memes". Donald Trump, Vapor Wave, Cuckolding, everything. Just a forced meme. We have been recapitulated, but for some reason you guys think we're still a secret club. That's how they get away with creating all of these industry plant bands and astroturf cultural movements.

2 marketers can run a campaign on multiple forums with identity management software and then the trolls and shills take over and do it for free. Opinions don't matter, just posting the dumb cunt's face and having the visibility from all the retarded threads increases clicks and views. Marketers play Any Forums and the massive amount of lurkers compared to posters like a fiddle.

This, petty much.

I step away from my computer for a little while and everybody gets delusions of grandeur

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You're not using that phrase correctly. It isn't a narcissistic delusion to believe that corporations, governments, and media companies send marketers and brand managers to various forms of social media, including Any Forums, to shill their business, product, or intended cultural narrative. It's a basic fact of reality, at this point.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a huge effect unless it's on Any Forums. It's more of a signal boost and way to increase SEO.

While this is funny, you are a jew and you need to kys

You think you matter. Less than a 100 people come to this board every month.

How would you know how many people come to this board every month?

My record company monitors the traffic of this site.

Kys ugly roastie cunt

No thread ever reaches over 100 posters. Threads rarely even get over 70.


Gotcha, bitch.
