Facade core

ITT dishonest trash with no artistic merit created for the sake of getting attention with strategic acts.
Not to be confused with industry plants.

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Just by the crowd I saw outside the venue last week, I’d say Glaive. Never heard any of their music, no clue what type of music it is, but the crowd looked like an Instagram feed

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I dont know who that is but it ticks the
>look i am of the people

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You calling these niggas out instead of the limitless pop/trap/garbage acts out there? Fuck off.

>oh no! someone finds rapevictim-core cringy! but what about trap?!

>looked up their music
yeah I'm insulted

you're not wrong but I would berry muh dick so deep in the singer I'd puncture her lungs and everything on the way

need ciara to shit on my chest

well yeah

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Disagreed; their first releases were decent, but unspectacular. The 'Who Am I?' album that came out last year, though, was great. It's painful that Olivia Rodrigo got to blow-up with that awful ballad and the okay "Good 4 u", when Pale Waves already did the Avril-type pop/rock all over that album and it was great but didn't get any attention

The Residents

>whining about authenticity

There is nothing real about motherfuckers contriving rhyming words over the sounds of flesh manipulating machines in the first place god damn it. In fact, there is nothing at all 'authentic' anywhere in this fucked artificial world. Recordings? Resproductions. All media is.

This is truly the world of simulacra, and the only thing "real" you ever gonna find is when you unplug from this breaking down, impotent machine.

So tell me: are we living in a mother fucking simulation? Hilariously everyone maintains the grand fucking FACADE because we don't know any better. Any realer. The reality is: REAL existence is scary as fuck.

Vax yourself against bullshit, fuck wads.

>Among the worst takes ever seen on this board. Do u even krautrock???
They’re posers and 80% of their success is due to Klaus Dinger.

This board is behind the times. Pale Waves started 8 years ago. The apprehension was understandable back then, but they're indie goth legends now.

Indiefags are so insecure. This shit can be garbage alongside pop and trap, you don't have to lose your shit

& ppl say metal is cringe

metal is like a campy horror movie that knows it's a campy horror movie

this self-serious shit blows

look at him, his pupils look like reptile slits. hes a fucking corporate test tube baby

He's a she, or more accurately a they/them

case and point. reptile baby

I knew it!