This dude is even more boring than Drake, holy shit was a garbage ass rapper

This dude is even more boring than Drake, holy shit was a garbage ass rapper

Attached: JCole.0.jpg (1400x1024, 266.38K)

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I like his song "Kevin's Heart", but yes, your assessment of young eeyore is almost entirely accurate lol
Fr, why does this dude always look like a kicked puppy lmao?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 67.34K)

Why is J Cole so popular? I can understand the appeal of most musicians I dislike, but J Cole's popularity baffles the hell out of me.

really tho , he should write a novel or something. has nothing to rap about

The novel would be awful too. He should go work as a compliance officer at a bank or do some other boring ass job that better fits his personality.

Kevin’s Heart does have a really good sample

shut up

i will extort you.

lmao, are you really defending J Cole?

>Kicked puppy

Holy shit


Am i wrong lol?

Attached: jcole.jpg (499x451, 30.29K)

if you're a hip hop fan in NC, you'll never stop hearing about this dude

Dis nigga tha king of tha sleepytime flow

Get some chamomile, couple verses of this nigga, and a spoon full of honey. Nite nite.


He looks like he posts on Any Forums

dont get me wrong no matter how much money j cole offers me i will never give a beat to j cole.

Why? It's not like anyone is gonna hear it.

This seems like the sort of thing Kanye the famous rapper would say

i fucked kanye

J. Cole is so fucking boring he's the Bon Iver of rap

Im no fan but calling him worse/more boring than fucking Drake of all people is a stretch