What's with zoomers pretending to be into millennial shit here? Before...

What's with zoomers pretending to be into millennial shit here? Before, nu-metal and such threads on Any Forums were cool, they were full of haters but you knew the people talking about it were those of us who actually remember the era and have legit nostalgia, these days it's a bunch of no life zoomoids LARPing, and you can tell they don't know shit either because they always prop up the bottom barrel meme shit nobody from the era actually liked, like Crazy Town and Adema.

Attached: korn.jpg (600x326, 49.65K)

Every generation does this, we did this with music from 1997 ten years ago on this very board. Weren't you here?

Adema was the fucking shit
They slap on god

Funny you say that, I had listened to nu metal when I was maybe 5 or 6 in the late 2000s until the late 2010s when I started to shift my tastes. I'll thank my step-dad for that.

>muh born in the wrong generation

You fuck with Hed PE they were the fucking shiznit. Im 19 but fuck with those guys and Static X, Powerman5000, Bizkit, LP, Saliva. Thats when music was fucking real

Cope. I never proped Adema, never even heard of them before last week.
Why nu metal? Because they are relatable and you can dance to it.
Something you, diapermetal nerds, will never understand
Imagine bench pressing while listening to priest, such a joke

Attached: mark-mcgrath-sugar-ray-1999-photo-GC.jpg (330x410, 36.09K)

You dance while bench pressing Mark? How do I learn this power?

>Imagine bench pressing while listening to priest, such a joke
you don't bench shit

I see like 19-23 year old girls obsessed with Deftones and Korn now. It's the new "retro rock", like listening to Floyd or Motley Crue when they weren't as big.

Deftones still fucking rules though and never stopped

It's not uncommon for people to romanticize shit that came before them, it is however extremely cringe to LARP as if you know what it was like during the actual time when you're clearly getting it all wrong proving you don't.

It's also a recent thing on this board, it came out of nowhere, so you know they're lying about "I GREW UP LOVING THIS MUSIC", they didn't, they weren't alive when it was popular. It's not a genuine interest in the music, it's a meme.

zoomers are mentally retarded and have to take "adulting" classes because they can't do laundry or make phone calls. that explains the extra dimension to the behavior

>Deftones still fucking rules though and never stopped
They do. Helps that they were the first nu-metal band to leave that shit behind.

deftones haven't released a single good song even since white pony. one of the hardest and most sudden downfalls in music history

I was into Deftones when Diamond Eyes came out and egirls that listen to them only do it for the aesthetic. I want to genocide those fucking subhuman cuntoids.

Why do people on Any Forums cant fathom someone having sex and being fit...
It's an American thing right?
Finding gf and going to gym and tanning salons is not that hard. Do americans really 4t8a0

Attached: 1626391235_206_Sugar-Ray-Singer-Mark-McGrath-Says-Dark-Side-of-the.jpg (830x1200, 101.85K)

t. Adema listener

yeah but you don't bench shit

Looking back, the late 90s were really weird with the y2k aesthetic. So I guess that it has zoomers intrigued. Also, that HBO documentary on Woodstock 1999 seems to have sparked a lot of interest in that era

not even gonna read this faggot ass identity politics thread
new korn album is good
every korn album except syotos is good

You can think so if that makes you feel better, lad:)

are you trying him

I know you don't bench shit