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No chance in hell, they already gave bnm to anco


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wow, i didnt know pitchfork writers were a group of retarded monkeys!! ya learn something new everyday :)

>wow, i didnt know pitchfork writers were a group of retarded monkeys!!
You clearly haven't been paying attention for the last decade.

Fantano is giving it a 10, easily

Would love to see them get a high score though, it's apparently Ian Cohen's favorite album of the year thus far (for whatever that's worth ~40 days in)

There's a rumor going around that the editors want to give it BNM and the writer refused and is being made to rewrite the review, can't confirm it myself but would be very interesting if true.

Listening to it now
This is fucking boring

No way. I'll suck my own dick on cam if real

since the beginning.

uhm no, there is no black person in the band. that's basically white supremacy in 2022

I want to love this album but I fucking hate the singer, glad he's leaving the band, maybe the next album will be kino

do it anyway, coward. you don't have the length.

It's not real
But it's been given some 10/10's by other reviewers

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people still unironically browse pitchfork on their internet browsing programs?

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if fantano and pitchfork pan it, it's over for them fucks, but if they praise it then it's over for Any Forums. we might actually live to see the true end of this hellhole

not a chance, remember when Fetch The Bolt Cutters got a 10 by pitchfork?

did you watch his livestream listen of the album?
he loved it, it's either getting a 9 or a 10 from him.

I did, but I doubt he will give it a 10. My guess is a strong 8 - light 9

I won't listen to it until Scaruffi gives it a score

You are aware OP’s image is false, right?

yes, but knowing pitchfork and the hype behind the album I wouldn't be surprised.