The dichotomy of Any Forums

The dichotomy of Any Forums

Which side are you on?

Which girl do you want to bang (Georgia)?

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They're decent. I dont think the album is 10/10, but they're not a bad band. It was alright.
The violin player

those threads were probably made by the same marketing person to drum up interest. hell, you probably made those threads OP. nothing about this BCNR hype seems organic

leave my daddys job out of it

Deffo organic post with this one, my friend

What is everyone listening to tonight?
I hope it's not this dogshit

We have one for Georgia, let's keep em rolling

It's either a marketing guy or some dick who wants people to argue. I think I might have to avoid Any Forums for a while so I don't end up hating the album because of these threads

It's the most divisive record that's come out in the history of Any Forums

You either love it or hate it folks

Now, which side are you on? Industry plant or indie powerhouse?

Why not both

Schizo hours
They don't need the 200 people outside kpop general who post on this board

kinda sad that they're only reaching 200 people with all this effort

I can't believe you fucking retards think that established bands shill and market on this board in current year. Maybe in 2014, not in 20 fucking 22. This board is now a cesspool victim of muh culture war, with like forty active posters, and I'm sure they are aware of it.
And if I leave, I die.

>And if I leave, I die.
Yeah, that's cause we'll kill you, chump

Last I heard, monthly listeners was at 400k
I doubt all of that is through this site alone, but I spent some time in that discord of theirs and the twenty people in it that talk regularly REALLY like this band

I got filtered by BCNR on both albums, they just did nothing for me on separate/multiple listens

and definitely Georgia

I started that first one and got pulled away halfway through it, tried to restart it and found myself physically unable to make it past track three

Brilliant choice, that's two for Georgia none for the other two whose names I do not know

>albums: 5/10
>georgias: 9/10

Attached: bait-georgia-ellery.jpg (980x746, 87.59K)

BCNR Queen Elizabeth Hall livestream video muxed with the lossless CD audio, they run at slightly different speeds so were a bitch to sync up so please watch and tell me what you think of the syncing compared to that of the youtube audio also in the mkv, I'm especially unsure about the last 3 songs but then again watching with the youtube audio (also in the same mkv) it looks not quite in sync with their mouths sometimes anyway so it may be synced up fine and it's the editing that's not perfectly in sync, I dunno. And yes this was the highest quality version of the video from the original livestream.

Enjoy, anyway! Also available in my Soulseek shares, search my current username on there, Rrobynne Mk. II

>twenty people in it that talk regularly REALLY like this band
well there's 7 people in the band and probably at least 13 other people involved and they only need 1 or 2 people on Any Forums bumping the thread with shitposts

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That's a new one, haven't seen it

Three for George starting to feel bad for the other two

Cant we get a little love for Blondie and Apette?

I'm the op of the >just like x thread and can guarantee you I just started it because I'm sick of that form of useless commentary on music, and have been seeing it thrown around a sickening amount the last few days.

Attached: roshipunk.jpg (1196x1205, 184.97K)

But when it's sickeningly derivative of X amount of acts shouldn't it say something about your enjoyment of the record, just my 0.02

how is it sickeningly derivative of x amount of acts, exactly? maybe, just maybe, it doesn't easily fit categorization of sounding like other things, so people throw names at the wall and hope it sticks. think you already been posting you "2 cents" in other threads

stop shilling that rick kid music, and i hope you're getting payed.

its not derivative. it doesnt sound like all the lazy comparisons that are being made. arcade fire is the worst one especially, entirely superficial because they have a lot of members and a violinsit. nothing to do with the actual sound, just their member composition/instruments are similar so they must be the same band whoa.

Where's the schizo accusing of samefagging? That's always a red flag for being a retard