
rank 'em.

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ants from up here > cavalcade = for the first time > faggenheim

Ftft = AFUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> black shiddy

I have never listened to any of these albums and I never will

Thats not Squid

Black Midi is a shit ton more interesting than BCNR and that isn't saying much.


unironically end your life, not because you've not heard these records, because of you and your life

imagine telling people to kill themselves annoymously over the internet because they don't like the same music as you

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this but less homophobic

Schlagawhatever > Cavalcade > Ants > FTFT, imo

I love gay people

AFUT > Cavalcade = Schlagenheim > FTFT
They are all really good, but black midi live beats them all.

Schlagenheim >>>>>>>>>>> rest

Hellfire might top it though if the production's better than Cavalcade's

ants from up there > cavalcade > shlagenheim > for the first time


Cavalcade > Schlagenheim >>> AFUT >>>>> FTFT

Shit > all four of those

Schalgenheim > Ants = FTFT >>>>>>> Cavalcade

thats a joke user

These bands are proof that the so called music elitist fall for the same bullshit marketing campaigns that prop up acts for people to like just because of an article singing their praises.