Oh my God why did Anohni unfollow Bjork on Instagram?

Oh my God why did Anohni unfollow Bjork on Instagram?

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I don't know who the fuck is anohnsidudh or whatever you cunt
Stop spamming your bullshit, lad

What? Wtf is this post?
Fuck you so much.


Oh wtf apparently Anohni hates Bjork because she misgendered her. Its sad because Bjork still loves Anohni

I'll deck you in your fucking throat mate, better shut right now

bro, what is wrong with you, that's a man

Anohni was born in the wrong body (male) , it was some fucked up biological event

Wtf that thing is, he looks like he tries to be a woman. Somebody needs to kneecap that cunt face really bad


And we all have to suffer for it. Fuck off faggot!

since when did gender become a verb

I mean really mate, you're just a stupid little piece of shit
Why are you bringing these transvestites into discussion?
Nobody cares you insufferable cunt, hope somebody will get you dusted real good, cunt

It’s been a verb for at least a decade

holy shit that's gnarly. is there a name for this disease?

Sieg Heil!

it's not though, people are just retarded

i'm glad i'm not sentimental about artists, i can always enjoy music the same no matter how retarded they act . Hope there's someone is great

I’m Björk’s brother

hey bjork its me ur brother

No, I’m the brother