/gybe/ - All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling

"All Troons Dilated on the Discord Mod Seething"
>minimal rundown
>ALFOTHAD has supposedly been leaked.
>"official" GY!BE discord jannies are seething beyond belief
>currently invites to the server have been disabled
>they're slamming anyone who speaks about the leak, claiming that they're "hurting the band's wellbeings" by listening to it
>Efrim probably doesn't give a fuck

>Original OP
i have something you've all wanted for a long, long time.
no one used to have this. but now, everyone can.
don’t believe me? compare tracks 15-17 of this to what’s already around: youtube.com/watch?v=vRIHNgwH0PE

this is it. the first godspeed you! black emperor album. i hope you enjoy.


>Previous thread
>Original thread

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Glencairne 14 has the SAME EXACT vocals as the 11 minute mark on Providence. Compare both tracks and it’s obviously them

>i can edit audio
obviously must be real

My theory:
>Nico is a faggot that probably sends the band members countless emails and thinks hes their friend
>Someone from the band or from Constellation wanted to take the piss and sent these autists the album
>The discord crowd tried to gatekeep it because it's what makes them feel special in life
>Someone from their discord thought this was retarded and ended up leaking it here to take the piss on Nico wanting to charge for the album
>Constellation is laughing their ass off at this

Tell me what editing technique(s) was done to do this exactly, since you're obviously an expert.

they're also in here using words like troon trying to disrupt signals and act like they're one of us (but they're not)

>doing it for free
>behaving like an authority figure when you're just a fan
>acting like your discord is any better than the discourse here

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People who don’t believe it’s real, give me a well articulated presentation of your reasons for believing this instead of spamming shitposts

Nico is 100% psychotic enough to hire people and make a fake album so he can sell listening parties of a “lost godspeed album” on his discord

someone leak early boards of canada tapes already

Im listening to it now but im still skeptical its real. Maybe if the user posted more pics of the liner notes
Trying to figure out who the rest of the musicians are on here

Redpill me on The Wiggles

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I'm on a zoom call with Efrim rn. He says this is real and he's cringing at the album.

nice baseless conspiracy theory

For those bothered by the files being m4a, use this to at convert them to a decent format:

for f in *.m4a; do
ffmpeg -i $f -f flac "${f%.*}".flac

I spilled my spaghetti in front of Moya a few years ago at a show and can confirm this record sounds legit to me.

Which is the baseless part
Other than this album because it’s all guitar and electronics kek

>hire people and make a fake album

Honesty who cares. Its from a basement cassette in the goddamn 90s

>People who don’t believe God is real, give me a well articulated presentation of your reasons for believing in Him instead of spamming shitposts

Lmfao you guys fell for this discord bullshit? This album was made by Nico a few years ago before she transitioned.

>is troon
>therefore has plenty of daddy’s money to throw around

It's known that the only members playing on this tape where Efrim and Mauro so I guess that's not surprising

>converting to lossless a tape that was ripped to a lossy format
how stupid are you

>being on the Internet in 2022
>being bothered by file types
pick one


>>therefore has plenty of daddy’s money to throw around
And you know this how?

That's a shitpost
If you can't give a legitimate reason no one is going to think your position is legitimate

google burden of proof you dumbass zoomer

Some tranny mod holding on to a piece of musical history so he could stroke his dick doing "super sekrit listening parties" makes me hate them even more than I already did.
Glad he's seething so hard at this.

I was in the discord and knew him on instagram before he deactivated. He has all the free time for this sped shit because he will literally NEVER need to work a day in his life thanks to his rich parents. Which almost makes the fact that he wanted to make people pay to hear this album for “maintenance” of his nonexistent archive site funnier

It's released as real
Evidence was given for it begin real
Burden of proof is on you if saying it's not like how it's being presented

>It's released as real
you already fucked up

>I was in the discord and knew him on instagram before he deactivated
>translation: dude just trust me bro
Very constructive. I don't doubt that this Discord mod is a power-hungry loser, but that doesn't make what you're saying true.

History has been made, Any Forumsggles...

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if one wanted to turn this from m4as into mp3s, would it actually make any difference to go from m4a to flac, then to mp3, vs just going m4a to mp3? i'm not well versed in how lossy-to-lossy works.

For the record i think it’s legit, i’m just saying that of anyone who would go to these lengths to fake an album, nico is the only one stupid/insane enough to try it while also having at least the financial means to do so

The shills have no hard evidence that this is genuine, just hearsay from discord trannies and some unconvincing audio analyses. It's fake until proven otherwise.

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fucking awful band

I find it hard to believe its an hour and 8 minutes
I wish a band member would just confirm or deny so i can go on with my life

No? There was leak saying it was real, and analysis matches up.
It's your burden of proof to try to claim the opposite. Now give legitimate reasons or you have none.

>if one wanted to turn this from m4as into mp3s, would it actually make any difference to go from m4a to flac, then to mp3, vs just going m4a to mp3? i'm not well versed in how lossy-to-lossy works.

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converting from lossy to lossless is pointless, you cant gain any audio quality all youre doing is making the file size bigger

The shills have no hard evidence that this is real, just hearsay from discord trannies and some shitposting. It's real until proven otherwise.

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>analysis matches up.

Attached: 1631919672469.webm (1208x720, 318.25K)

>There was leak saying it was real
>someone on discord said its real
keep trying user

I want to believe that its ALF but the spoken word songs and industrial punk songs make me wonder

Dubs and I leak Play By Numbers

Wait, you're telling me this has been widely available online for 2 days and it hasn't been completely debunked yet? How is that even possible

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someone on discord said that biden is going to nuke russia tomorrow better get ready for fallout ultra VR bro

panchiko syndrome

>"one of us"
>implying there's an "us"

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