What is the psychology behind man children who listen to metal...

What is the psychology behind man children who listen to metal? What is so appealing about heavy guitars and edgy/fantasy themes?

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>Woman gets filtered by heavy music
every time

This album kicks ass. What is the psychology of being a fucking retard who can't fathom people enjoying fun and loud music?

Who showed you that album you pleb?

I am a man-man who lifts heavy weights and eats red meat 5 nights a week and I listen to black metal.

> man children
Nice b8. Also
> I do not like thing
> How can anyone like thing?!
> Those thing-likers must be retarded children

Kind of spelled it out yourself. Children like dumb angry edgy fantasies, and metal is the most immature fake deep genre out there.

>black metal
The least masculine metal genre. Also the sub-genre with the highest amount of posers. You're most likely larping because every beefcake metal head I know listens to death, thrash or sludge exclusively.


it has very strong aesthetics and they're completely disconnected from reality, nothing in metal is about human life or the human experience. it's very appealing to losers or people with personality disorders who can't function socially, it's a fantasy world to escape to where they are either powerful and masculine or their own misanthropy is described in grandiose pretentious ways

Im actually getting into metal at an older age after becoming a refugee from whatever is considered normal. I have come to a realization that almost every popular band in history were just industry plant trust fund faggots. It seems the more "extreme" you go. The further away from any "charts" you venture away from. The "authenticity" comes out.

Inb4 what about Metallica hirrdurr!


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Not really unless you think adults are supposed to sensible and bored and unexcited their entire lives

they do it because of the weird internet masculinity circlejerk around the genre. all you have to do is listen to a certain kind of music and you get free updoots and people will humor your alpha male LARP
of course there are plenty of people who just like metal and don't engage with this nonsense, but wildly insecure faggots tend to dominate online spaces

i enjoy metal plenty, i assumed OP was talking about metalheads like subculture fags

Bitch, no one cares. Fuck you and your made up complexes of "masculinity" and whatever. No one cares

Project harder why don’t you. YWNBAW

thank you for proving me right and demonstrating that this roleplaying is a defense mechanism

>nothing in metal is about human life
Theres plenty of that dafuq

as opposed to what? fake deep emotionally manipulative bands like BCNR?

this reply indicates that you struggle with basic cognition

it doesn't count because when they try to write relatable or grounded lyrics it's actually just extremely autistic and sounds way off. you are probably autistic

>they do it because of the weird internet masculinity circlejerk around the genre
>metal was invented along the internet

Hi user, I have a question for you since you quoted my post Where am I circlejerking about my masculinity? Where am I larping?
Seems like you're just projecting your schizoid delusions about what metalheads are onto random posters online and calling them faggots because of it.
You know, like a total faggot.

Because it sounds great