Do you have any friends irl with your music taste?

Do you have any friends irl with your music taste?

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No, and I have no friends period.

No, I don't have any friends at all. Imageboards are my only social outlet lole.

>Do you have any friends irl

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No. I have fewer friends than I did when I was younger, but even then all they listened to seriously was rap.

my best friend is deaf actually

No, most of them listen to shit like video game soundtracks or very mainstream rock/pop. Two of my friends are a bit more interesting, they listen to some basic Any Forumscore like Death Grips and whatever Youtube happens to recommend them, sometimes obscure albums from like the 60s/70s or some world music.

Yea he's a killer bassist and a decent guitarist

>Do you have any friends irl

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Yes, my highschool orchestra director has similar taste. We diverge sharply when we talk about taste in regards to non-jazz/classical though.

Not any more. I also have no irl friends, just some family

my close buddy listens and likes pretty much anything under the sun. brutal prog, classical, alt-country and yacht rock

used to but theyre gone now

Yeah. Not all of my friends, of course, because discriminating based only on music consumption would be pathological, but my two closest friends and I spend a great deal of time sharing music, talking music and playing music. Newer friends of mine I've related to because of shared music taste, so it's definitely sparked new friendships as well.

My best friend and I are interested in many of the same genres.
>both love metal
>both like folk -- especially Celtic folk -- although he likes more vocal and choral stuff than I do
>he loves the blues and a bit of blues rock; I just appreciate them
>both sometimes enjoy bluegrass
>both appreciate foreign-language hip hop, especially Russian

No they all listen to rap and top 40


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Sort of
I have one that tolerates it and another that enjoys a thing or two

People are individuals so this itself is something of a gift

>no friends

Not surprising

I made a good friend who lives locally through a Bob Dylan fan forum. We’re both Dylan obsessed obviously but have similar tastes otherwise and get on like a house on fire. I’ve even made an album with him (pic related), I wrote most the lyrics and he wrote most the music.

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