RIP Sophie

1 year today :-(

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Holy shit, that bitch ass muthafuck needs to go to the gym asap

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in G R E E C E of all places
get fucked turks

RIP That nigga sophie that dude was doin big things

He's dead

wtf he look made of raw fish

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wait what the fuck is this actually from
did SOPHIE do blackface and it just fully flew under the radar? that's funny as fuck if so

I prefer this to the killing moon desu

why did they lie about how sophie die?

Just remember all caps when you spell the man's name

that's what she looked like?

Should've stayed a chad. What a waste!

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imagine the smell

thats not him

Yup...he went down the tubes towards the end.

Without hiding behind favourable angles and lens lengths, yes.

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so was it suicide bros

What are the odds?

no she was pushed

one more dead fake